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Transformation" through art and education—2018 Spring/Summer Tea Party

On May 19, 2018, the New York Youth Roundtable and the International Leadership Foundation hosted a Spring/Summer Tea Party in a Long Island mansion, focusing on the theme of "Transformation" through art and education. The guest of honor, Chinese paper-cutting artist Xin Song, captivated attendees with her journey from a serendipitous hobby to mastering a craft that fuses Eastern and Western artistic traditions.

Xin Song, known for her public art installations like the "Tree of Life" at Bay Parkway Station, which symbolizes the growth of new immigrants in New York, shared the compelling narratives behind her artworks. She also demonstrated paper-cutting techniques, emphasizing the unique appeal of paper art, defined by its irrevocability and the spontaneity required in each cut.

The educational salon, a highlight of the tea party, facilitated discussions between children and parents about ideal educational methods, aiming to bridge communication gaps. The salon was divided into two age-based sessions, fostering critical thinking and challenging traditional educational models which often impose parental expectations on children without considering their perspectives.

Younger participants, aged 10 to 15, discussed their views on gaming, distinguishing between games that offer intellectual stimulation and those perceived as time-wasters. Older participants, including Ivy League students and high school seniors, shared insights into choosing universities, dealing with application pressures, and making the most of university life.

The event closed with remarks from Cherry Huang, Chairperson of the New York Youth Roundtable, who thanked the attendees for their openness and engagement, and Anthony Hu, CEO of Pacific International Capital, for his generous support of the event and commitment to educational and artistic initiatives. The tea party not only provided a platform for sharing and learning but also inspired the young audience to pursue their passions fearlessly.


如果你曾经路过纽约D线地铁Bay Parkway这一站,你一定记得这面独特的剪纸墙。这件名为《生命树》的代表作,正是出自中国剪纸艺术家宋昕之手。


在茶会上,宋昕向听众们展示和分享了她从2010年开始制作的一系列public art剪纸作品背后的故事,比如陈列在Bay Parkway Station的《生命树》(Tree of Life)象征了新移民在纽约扎根成长的历程。她表示,剪纸艺术之所以具有如此独特的魅力,正是在于它的力量感和不可替代性,裁纸刀将纸裁断的一刻,即使错了也要错下去,正是这种“无法重来”的感觉,赋予了剪纸这种艺术媒介无尽的生命力。

当日的茶会还围绕教育话题展开了沙龙讨论。主办方特意邀请了来自常青藤的学子们和正就读美国高中的孩子们,共同讨论心中理想的家庭教育。以孩子们为主讲,按年龄段分成“10岁至15岁”与“16岁以上”两组,讨论他们心中理想的家庭教育。教育沙龙旨在挑战传统的家庭教育模式:父母出于“都是为了孩子好”的想法把自身观点强加给子女,而孩子们并不买账。教育沙龙希望鼓励孩子们勇于进行批判性思维和挑战权威。沙龙期间,Jacob Li等多位常春藤名校的毕业生也分享了他们的感受并和小朋友们交流。教育沙龙由美国资深教育专家Tim Reilly先生和青年企业家俱乐部成员Flora Cheng女士主持。

第一组的分享嘉宾是6位4-7年级的小朋友。小朋友们作为NYYER历届活动中年龄最小的嘉宾们,在主持人的引导下,都积极大方地就很多家长关心的话题分享了各自的想法。小嘉宾们超越年龄的成熟思维也让现场观众叹服。在谈到游戏这个话题时,小嘉宾Raymond表示玩游戏本身并没有错,而是取决于游戏的类型。比如有的游戏涉及到基础编程和宏观战略,有助于训练思维,培养兴趣;而有的游戏只是机械重复耗时,就不利于成长。在观众提问环节,小朋友与家长直接对话,表达了他们心中的家庭教育模式——找到松散与严厉之间的平衡点。小嘉宾Hudson说,“孩子在过松散的环境中会失去学习的动力,但在过度严苛的要求中又容易丧失自我,甚至激发逆反的心理。” 现场金句频出,小朋友们的活泼和真实让现场观众笑声和掌声不断。


最后,纽约青年企业家俱乐部主席Cherry Huang女士为茶会做了总结,表示茶会上针对艺术和教育的真诚的分享和倾听,带给了大家很多触动的启迪,希望这次活动能鼓舞年轻人更勇敢地追逐自己的梦想。主办方特别鸣谢赞助者太平洋国际资本CEO安东尼·胡先生对本次活动给予的大力支持。胡先生也在茶会现场表达了太平洋国际资本对教育及艺术等公益事业的支持和重视。

纽约青年企业家俱乐部(New York Youth Roundtable)是以“开拓创新,传承互助”为宗旨的公益组织。于2015年在纽约成立,关注教育并重在培养青年人的“企业家精神”。俱乐部汇聚了有理想和社会责任感的各界领袖,包括杰出企业家、经理人、社区领袖、及各行业的专业人士。

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Founded in New York in 2015, New York Youth Roundtable is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on educating and cultivating youth entrepreneurship with key values in exploration, innovation, succession, and cooperation. Our members include highly ambitious and socially responsible leaders from various business enterprises and community organizations.


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