Discussing Education and Entrepreneurship with Xu Xiaoping

On April 11, 2018, the New York Youth Roundtable, in collaboration with the Manhattan-based International Leadership Foundation, hosted a meet-and-greet featuring prominent Chinese entrepreneurs Xu Xiaoping and Wu Sheng. Held at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University, the event centered on the themes of Sino-American education and entrepreneurship.
Xu Xiaoping, founder of ZhenFund and co-founder of New Oriental, renowned for his substantial impact in the fields of education and angel investing in China, shared insights into the evolution of business models between the U.S. and China. He emphasized the importance of adapting Chinese models for global use and encouraged the young audience to boldly implement innovative practices to foster international development.
Wu Sheng, founder of Scene Lab and an influential figure in Chinese e-commerce, highlighted three key concepts for young professionals: insight, action, and sincerity. He stressed the importance of converting insight into productivity and wealth, the value of decisive action in business, and the significance of sincerity in fostering successful collaborations and business models.
The event also recognized Xu and Wu's contributions as SIPA’s Entrepreneurs in Residence and applauded their afternoon lectures which greatly inspired students with a perfect blend of philosophy and business acumen. Dr. Hong Chao-hui, Chief Research Officer and Lifetime Professor of History at Fordham University, also attended, adding to the session’s prestige.
In conclusion, the gathering not only provided a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to gain direct guidance from established figures but also underscored the New York Youth Roundtable's commitment to nurturing entrepreneurial spirit among the youth, promoting deep cross-cultural and interdisciplinary discussions that enhance social and professional growth.
2018年4月11日,纽约青年企业家俱乐部(New York Youth Roundtable),在曼哈顿举行了以“中美教育与创业”为主题的徐小平与吴声见面会,为参会的年轻人提供了与业界泰斗同席就餐,自由交谈,一对一交流的机会。席间,纽约青年企业家俱乐部主席黄亚村诚挚邀请2018年的“逻辑思维跨年演讲”来纽约举办。哥伦比亚大学国际关系学院(SIPA)副院长Terry Culver也出席了活动。Terry Culver宣布徐小平和吴声成为SIPA的Entrepreneur in Residence(入驻企业家),还特别感谢了徐小平和吴声当日下午在SIPA的精彩演讲。他说学生们深受启发,能听到讲哲学与商业,热情与行动结合得完美的演讲,实属难得。此外,福特汉姆大学首席研究官、历史学终身教授洪朝辉教授也应邀出席了活动。
吴声是场景实验室创始人、新物种实验计划发起人、中国电子商务委员会执行秘书长。吴声是凡客最早的一批元老之一,并于2011年京东集团高级副总裁。2012年,吴声作为联合创始人之一,与罗振宇等人共同创办《罗辑思维》。2013年担任东方风行集团总顾问。吴声还担任京东集团终身顾问、时尚集团战略顾问、吴晓波频道战略顾问,同时受聘为长江商学院、领教工坊、创业黑马营、混沌研习社、联想之星、腾讯众创空间等机构的客座教授、领教或导师。 见面会中,徐小平说他创立真格基金的时候,决心要做largest small firm。“Largest”是指公司影响力要做到中国第一,“small”是指他最想帮助的就是创业初期的中小型企业,在最困难的初期提供天使投资,鼓励青年人创业、创新、创富、创造。他对到场的年轻人说,“以前我们是把美国模式带回中国,新一代的任务是要把中国模式带给美国,带给世界!”他大力鼓励年轻人勇敢实践,树立宏大格局,把中美资源相结合,促进国际化发展。
纽约青年企业家俱乐部(New York Youth Roundtable)是以“开拓创新,传承互助”为宗旨的公益组织。于2015年在纽约成立,关注教育并重在培养青年人的“企业家精神”。俱乐部汇聚了有理想和社会责任感的各界领袖,包括杰出企业家、经理人、社区领袖、及各行业的专业人士。