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​Founded in New York in 2015, New York Youth Roundtable is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on educating and cultivating youth entrepreneurship with key values in exploration, innovation, succession, and cooperation. Our members include highly ambitious and socially responsible leaders from various business enterprises and community organizations.

纽约青年企业家俱乐部  (New York Youth Roundtable) 是2015年在纽约成立的非营利组织,宗旨为“开拓创新,传承互助”,关注教育并重在培养青年人的“企业家精神”。俱乐部汇聚了有理想和社会责任感的各界领袖,包括杰出企业家、经理人、社区领袖、及各行业的专业人士。

Are you ready to make a real impact? If you are interested in joining any of these committees, please email us at with a brief introduction of yourself, the committee you are interested in, why you want to join, any relevant experience or skills you bring, and your availability for meetings and events.

Youth Entrepreneurship Development Committee

Focused on cultivating entrepreneurship skills and spirit among youth, this committee provides training and resource support. Currently, career training is one of our main activities, offering practical vocational skills and industry knowledge to help young people thrive in the business environment. Whether you want to enhance your entrepreneurial skills or become a mentor to others, this is the perfect platform for you!




University Innovation Forum

Led by a university student, this forum promotes innovation and technology application within the university environment. It connects university students with industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and tech experts through workshops, project showcases, and innovation competitions, fostering students' innovation capabilities and business awareness. The forum also encourages interaction and mentorship between university and high school students. If you are passionate about innovation and eager to explore cutting-edge technologies and business models with like-minded peers, join us!



High School Leadership Council

Headed by a high school student, this council focuses on the specific needs and opportunities of high school students. Its goal is to cultivate leadership and entrepreneurial spirit among high school students through workshops, lectures, and entrepreneurship challenges. The council also aims to establish networks of collaboration and communication between high school and university students. If you want to develop your leadership skills and entrepreneurial spirit during your high school years, this is the perfect starting point for your journey!



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