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International Leadership Foundation

& New York Youth Roundtable

 2019 Annual Conference


Special guests: Elaine L. Chao and Dr. James S. C. Chao

The International Leadership Foundation and New York Youth Roundtable will hold their annual conference at the Harvard Club of New York, with the theme of “Opportunities and Challenges in the New Environment”. The guest speakers are The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, and her father, Dr. James S. C. Chao, philanthropist, Founder and Honorary Chairman of Foremost Groups. There will also be four panel discussions: Leadership Panel, Education Panel, Art Panel and Next Generation Panel. The panelists and moderators will be outstanding leaders in various fields.


Co-organizer New York Youth Roundtable is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization founded in New York in 2005. It is focused on educating and cultivating global, cross-cultural entrepreneurship with the key values of exploration, innovation, success, and cooperation. Our members include highly ambitious and socially responsible leaders from various business enterprises and community organizations.


Co-organizer the International Leadership Foundation (ILF) is a non-profit organization that promotes the civic awareness, public service, and economic effectiveness of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community. Their mission is to develop young leaders in the United States, Asia, and Pacific Rim countries in the fields of public service, entrepreneurship, and international business and politics through a network of business and community leaders. ILF has a network of national advisory boards and global advisory councils in 15 cities, comprised of professional, civic, business, and community leaders. They help prepare the young generation to become leaders in the public, business, academic, community, and professional fields. Since our founding in 2000, ILF has provided scholarships and leadership training for over a thousand select APA college students nationwide.


More than 250 important guests will attend the conference, including outstanding Chinese and American entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and community leaders. The MC of the event will be Rubiao Song, Managing Director of JP Morgan. Cherry Huang, Chairman of New York Youth Roundtable and Chairman of ILF New York Chapter, and Dr. Yong Ma, Executive Vice President of Bank of China New York, will deliver an opening speech to officially kick off the event.


The Leadership Panel will discuss leadership and career development. The panelists will be Andy Serwer, Editor-in-Chief of Yahoo Finance, Dr. Erika Sauer,  Director of AmCham’s NYC Office, and Dr. Rick Li, Managing Director and Partner at Goldman Sachs. The panel moderator will be Dr. Yong Ma, Executive Vice President of Bank of China New York.


The Education Panel will focus on future trends of K-12 and college education. The panelists will be Courtney Hall, Co-founder and Managing Director of Hillcrest Venture Partners, Tim Reilly, CEO of KCed, and Steve Schuster, Partner of McLaughlin & Stern LLP. The panel moderator will be Dr. Fang Chu, Co-founders of KC Group.


The theme of the Art Panel will be “the secret weapon of personal growth”. The panelists will be Andrew Wang, former Head of Chinese Paintings’ Department at Sotheby’s New York, Sam Shikiar, Art Collector and Lecture; Josie Browne, former director at Max Protetch Gallery & Deputy Director of Nanyang Technological University Centre for Contemporary Art, and Elizabeth Marcus, Associate Director of Galerie St. Etienne, New York. The panel moderator will be Echo He, Pace Gallery Researcher, and the Founder and Director of Fou Gallery.


The Next Generation Panel will discuss how individuals and companies can adapt and thrive in the era of globalization and technology. The panelists will be Olivia Wang, Head of US for ZhenFund, Max Kennedy, an Associate at Insight Partners, and Tianyi Yu, TaiYou Fund North America Department Leader. The panel moderator will be Hank Wu, a former ILF Civic Fellow. In this panel, the audience will see a young leader from the Kennedy family and a group of outstanding Chinese youth exchange their views on technology, life and the future. After the Next Generation Panel, the panelists and the moderator will also join a special questions and answers session with a variety of Chinese high school students to discuss study, choice, and personal growth.


After the four panel discussions, Chiling Tong, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Asian & Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce & Entrepreneurship (National ACE) and the Founding President of the International Leadership Foundation (ILF), will introduce The Honorable Elaine L. Chao and her father Dr. James S. C. Chao. They will provide a special speech on the importance of family education.


A member-only dinner will be held in the evening. The MCs of the dinner will be Meiliang Wu, and Yiting Liu, COO and a partner of the Coalescence Partners. The Honorable Elaine L. Chao will give a keynote speech during the dinner program, followed by an Award Ceremony, 2018 YA Testimony by Elena Jiao, and the ILF Advisor Inauguration. Finally, the chairman of the meeting Dr. Yong Ma Yong delivered a closing speech, which marked the end of the annual meeting.


Prior to the 2019 Annual Conference, New York Youth Roundtable and ILF successfully hosted the Education and Business Trend conference in the Yale Club of New York City on March 17th, 2018. Two keynote speakers, Max Baucus, the U.S Ambassador to China (2014 -2017) and Chair of the Senate Finance Committee gave speeches. Panel speakers included Professor Dr. Z. George Hong, Chief Research Officer and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs of Fordham University; David Drake, the founder and chairman of LDJ Capital; Risk Wade, Vice President of Strategic Alliances and Outreach at the U.S Chamber of Commerce; and other important panel speakers.150 guests attended the event.


ILF and New York Youth Roundtable also successfully held the Education and Leadership Conference Roundtable Discussion in the Harvard Club of New York City on December 10, 2016. The featured speakers were The Honorable Elaine L. Chao and her father Dr. James S.C. Chao, the founder and chairman of Foremost Group. Dr. Chao introduced his newly published biography Fearless against the Wind to the audience and shared his legendary life stories. The panel speakers were film producer Cary Woods, CEO and founder of Aston • Pearl Natasha Pearl, and Partner of Engel & McCarney, Thomas Engel.


In addition, New York Youth Roundtable and IFL have organized a series of events in finance, investing, and arts, which attracted participation from a diverse group of young entrepreneurs.



纽约 · 哈佛俱乐部

教育 | 领导力 | 艺术 | 科技


纽约青年企业家俱乐部暨国际领袖基金会在纽约哈佛俱乐部举办年会。年会特邀“华裔之光” 赵小兰女士和其父亲赵锡成博士作为主讲嘉宾出席。


在2016年的纽约青年企业家俱乐部暨国际领袖基金会“教育和领导力”年会上,赵小兰女士和其父亲赵锡成博士就曾父女同台, 为大家分享了中西方教育理念的异同以及如何在困境中坚持梦想的人生故事。时隔三年后,他们又将为观众献上怎样精彩绝伦的演说呢?





作为以“开拓创新,传承互助”为宗旨的公益组织,纽约青年企业家俱乐部汇聚了有理想和社会责任感的各界领袖,包括杰出企业家、经理人、社区领袖、及各行业的专业人士,并一直关注培养青年人的“企业家精神”。在这次的领导力论坛上,我们继续延续该理念,邀请到了雅虎财经主编Andy Serwer先生、AmCham纽约分部总监Dr. Erika Sauer女士和高盛董事总经理、合伙人李可博士,带来有关领导力与职业发展的讨论。


教育是时代不变的主题,也是纽约青年企业家俱乐部最关注的议题之一。在本次的教育论坛上,Hillcrest Venture Partners联合创始人及董事总经理Courtney Hall先生、KCed首席执行官Tim Reilly先生和McLaughlin & Stern合伙人Steven Schuster先生,都将就“从幼儿园到大学,未来教育的新趋势”这一主题,为大家带来他们在教育界深耕多年后的独到见解。


身处纽约,艺术是大家生活中不可或缺的一部分。在本次艺术论坛中,我们邀请到了艺术论坛的嘉宾有前纽约苏富比中国部总监Andrew Wang先生,古根海姆博物馆青年收藏家委员会的委员Sam Shikiar先生,纽约Max Protetch画廊前总监Josie Browne女士。主持人为纽约佩斯画廊研究员Echo He女士,为观众阐述文化艺术对个人生活和发展的深刻影响。


科技论坛聚焦青年才俊,此次的"新生代领导:科技与见解"论坛上邀请到真格基金美国总监王思培女士,泰有基金北美部负责人余天一先生,以及Insight Venture partners 投资人Max Kennedy 先生。主持人为国际领袖基金会2014年暑期公共事务实习计划(Civic Fellowship Program)的优秀参与者Hank Wu先生。

炉边谈话 家庭教育的重要性

四个主题论坛结束后,赵小兰女士与其父赵锡成博士将带来教育板块的特别节目——炉边谈话,与来宾共同探讨了家庭教育的重要性。炉边谈话的主持人为Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ACE) 的首席执行官董继玲女士。

活动地点:The Harvard Club of New York City

着装要求:Business Attire


参会方式:Invitation Only

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